Project Description

CG, a 32 year old young woman lived with her daughter in subsidized housing.  The landlord was grossly negligent in the way it maintained and made repairs to the property.  The landlord allowed a defect in the a/c wall unit space to go unrepaired, which resulted in rainwater funneling through the window and accumulating on the bedroom floor of CG’s apartment.  CG notified her landlord on several occasions of this.  They ignored her.  CG and her daughter would have otherwise moved out of the apartment, but for not having the financial resources to enter into a new lease for a different apartment.   Ultimately, CG slipped and fell on the standing water, severely injuring her lower back which required invasive back surgery.

CG contacted Aaron to see if he could help her.  Aaron settled CG’s claim without having to file a lawsuit against her landlord, and recovered for CG more than three times her medical bills against the landlord.